
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lovin this sunshine!

And the unseasonably warm weather.
The grandkids came for the weekend and played outside till dark.
They love being able to run and visit the neighbor kids.

They're growing up so fast.

 The grandkids enjoy helping out in the kitchen.
We baked Chocolate Chip Cookie bars.
Found the recipe on Pinterest.
Where else?
Click on the photo for the recipe.
SOOO much quicker than cookies and just as good.

(Photo from Pinterest) 

Paid a visit to the Apple Butter House.
The barn is decorated for Spring.
So many vintage-prim beautiful things!

I found this vintage quilt pocket for my front door.
It's soooo me.
If you're in the area be sure to stop in and say hello to Caroline.
She's a real sweetheart.

I'm still working on yo-yos .
Had the longarm repair man "Ray"
(my new best friend) here 2 days last week.
Hoping "Violet" is fixed and ready to rumble tomorrow.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Enjoy the day!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Spring, make that SUMMER weather is here!
It's so much easier getting out of bed with the sun shining
and the birds chirping.
Don't you agree?

Want to share a little project I made
for my quilting friends at Guild.
A Matchbook Needle Keeper.

Isn't it just the cutest?

Easy-Peasy to make.
Here are the directions.
Since I had only boring white cardstock on hand
I needed to pump it up a bit.
Sew......I ironed Steam A Seam 2 on the back of cute fabric,
 then pressed the fabric onto the cardstock.
It worked!
Who knew? 

On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the
WI Quilt Study Group meeting in Madison.
Janette Dwyer spoke about her favorite subject
"My girl Ruby" 
 Have you heard of Ruby Short McKim?
She is nationally known as a quilt designer of the 1920s and 1930s.
A woman ahead of her time!
For both her creative and business talents.
Janette bought lots of quilts and patterns to share.

Her enthusiasm for Ruby is contagious!
I purchased the Roly Poly Circus pattern.
You know I love redwork!
Here is a picture of the quilt I found on Google.
With all the projects I have going maybe I will get this made for 
 my great-grandchildren?

Check out this beautiful customer quilt.
Jean did a fabulous job working with flannel.
Pictures are from this winter but hey......
I forgot to show it.

The backing flannel is so cozy.

Well, I'm off to machine is calling.
Quilt On.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Rough February

But life is looking up.
(From Pinterest)

Let me show you what I've been up to.
So far I have 15 blocks (375 yo-yos) completed.
My goal: 1225 or 70" x 70"
I may be adjusting the size....LOL.

I've tried a few new recipes.
OOOO talk about delicious.
LOOK at these......
 you've gotta be hungry!

Click on the photo for the recipe.
From "The Pioneer Woman".
Honey Garlic Pork Chops
Both are quick and easy to make.
Hubby gave them two thumbs up.
I'm sure you've read about the
Homemade Laundry Detergent craze.
Let me tell you first hand.
It works!
Better than "works".

It's Amazing!
My laundry smells so fresh and sweet.
And cheap inexpensive to make.
Can't beat that.

Today is Super Tuesday and all I can say is:

Lots of Hugs and I'll have quilts to show you soon.