
Friday, November 7, 2008

A few of my favorite things…..

I love these candle holders on my mantle.
I bought them at The Cracker Barrel on sale half price.

This stained glass lamp is my most prized possession.
My mother, the Christmas before she passed,

bought this lamp for each of us kids.
I’m sure my brother and sister treasure
theirs as much as I do.
You can't help but think of her each time you turn it on.

This tea set was given to me by my grandmother Violet.
My grandfather gave this to her for their
30th wedding anniversary.
I think it’s the most beautiful thing I own.

I keep it high on the hutch away from little hands.

Here's a few pictures of my booth at The Peddler's Loft.

If your ever in the area check it out!

There are a few holiday craft fairs in town
I’m going to check out tomorrow.
And bake. Cranberry bars, cookies......
Spiced Cranberries for Thanksgiving.
I'll post the recipes next week.

Don't forget to enter my Vintage Quilt Give Away!
Next Sunday, the 16th, is the BIG day!

Stay safe and.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh that mantel looks fabulous!! its so much fun decorating for the holidays! and the quilts look gorgeous !!

    ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia


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