
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Treasures

I hope you had a chance to visit all the lovely cottages
on Tracey's Holiday Home Tour.
What creative ladies we have here in blog land!
Thanks goes to Tracey, Notes from a Cottage Industry,
for putting it all together.
And to everyone who participated.
After seeing all the sparkle,
it makes me want to add glitter to all my decorations!
Speaking of glitter, did you know Martha is now
selling a line of crafts at Wal Mart?
Man, that woman knows how to market herself!
I must admit, I bought her glitter 3 pack
and glitter glue with her fabulous-fabulous brush.
I was asked a few questions about my Christmas quilt.
The center of the quilt, Santa & toys, is a printed panel.
The borders, surrounding the panel,
are scrappy "bricks" (3 1/2" x 5" pieces of fabric).
This wasn't a purchased pattern.
I just made it up as I went.
It is quilted with an overall clam shell motif.

This little box was made by my youngest son,
25 years ago, as a school project.

Each year when I sit it out I remember
how excited he was giving it to me.
I think the verse is so touching.
I'll treasure it always.

This angel, my Mom gave me before she passed.
For as long as I can remember,
Mom placed her on the mantle every year,
up and away from small hands.
She turns around in circles
as the music box plays Silent Night.
She's alittle worn around the edges....
just like me.
This tree is special for several reasons.
Because it's so tiny......a minature.
And it's covered with one my favorite things..
I am a California girl at heart. Forever.
And because my sister in law made it.
I've thought of you each year when
I unwrap it and place it out for everyone to admire.
Are you surprised I still have it?

Stay safe and warm.
We're expecting another ice storm tonight.
I'm off to watch a movie and stitch on my snowmen......


  1. The little box from your son is precious and I love the little angel from your mom.
    Stay warm.

  2. I love your blog Karen. I wish you lived closer. 'Loved hubby's Christmas email letter....too funny.

  3. Happy Holidays Karen!

    such a beautiful Angel and what pretty decor too!

    Hugs, Cynthia

    ps: I also love that poem, how sweet!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!