
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh my, oh my, we just finished dinner.
And it was as delicious the second time around as the first.
I'm sure you've all been to visit Ruthann at
Warm Pie, Happy Home.
I made her
and it was a BIG hit!
I even baked cornbread.
After all, what could be more "hillbilly"?

Ruthann has an incredible new site called
Head on over and say Howdy
and join the "sisterhood"!

I've been redecorating my blog.
Notice my new navagation bar on top?
And the cute little sewing machine by my
web address in your browser bar?
All installed by Joanna at
Hurry on over.
She's having a Spring Special!

I didn't have the heart to take weather pictures for you today.
It's the same old story.
Cold, snowy & windy.
So much for my Easter bonnet.
More like a stocking cap.

Isn't this cherry quilt just so darn cute?
So summery looking.
Lucky it's heading West.
To warmer weather.

Stay safe and warm.
Talk to ya again soon.


  1. Thanks for sharing the quilt, I love quilts with cherries! I also like your new header on your blog.


  2. Hello Sugar Pie Sista! Thank you ever so much for chatting about my new web site! I am glad you like it along with the Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie!! Just wanted to say Bless your heart, sugar!
    Aunt Ruthie!

  3. Hi Karen
    Love the job you did on the "Cherry" quilt. Also like your new layout of the blog. I just got into blogging and figured out today, actually, how to add a background. Tiny steps on this blog thing, but I like it. I have lots to learn. This is Diane formerly from Vegas Quilting Queen. Have a gread day.


Thanks for taking the time to comment!