
Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Home!

It feels so good coming home!
To my own bed and shower.
Last night, I was able to sit in my rocker
on the front porch for a few minutes.
Appreciating the smell of
freshly mowed grass and birds feeding.
And being alive.

But, OOOO my goodness, I can't lie.
It hurts so much to move!
for all your prayers, kind words and warm thoughts.
My heart overflows with gratitude.

P.S. The Drs ended up doing 5 (yep, five) bypasses.


  1. Karen, so glad to hear from you again I was just thinking of you yesterday, so glad you are doing good and that you are home, I remember when my hubby got out of the hospital and once he stepped out of the car he got real sentimental and just started to cry, it was hard at first but with time comes healing. I know you will get well soon :) God is in control.

  2. Karen,
    I am so glad you are home from the hospital, and now are on the mend. Five Take care, and I hope to see you as soon as you can at guild, or a sew day!


  3. Pam E - Las VegasMay 8, 2009 at 3:20 PM

    Karen, I've been waiting for you to post to your blog. Glad to hear you're home. I let the Quilting Queens know of your health situation, so I bet you've heard from a few of them by now too. We all miss you!

  4. Wonderful- So glad you are home ! Lots of good thoughts are flowing your way and I wish you a fast recovery. You'll be buying fabric again before you know it.... :)

  5. Hi Karen! I am so glad you are home and on the mend! I have been praying for you sugar. Just take it easy....each day you will begin to feel better and better.
    Blessings to you!
    Aunt Ruthie!

  6. Holy cow! I'm so glad you're home and doing ok. I've been thinking of you and praying for you.

    Just got an email about Nellie's Barn Sale (june 5th & 6th). If you're feeling up to it, I'll see you there. If not, should I look for something special for you?

    (hugs) Polly

  7. Karen
    I'm really missing you and hope you are feeling better day by day.
    Thinking of you and praying you will be back soon.

  8. Hi Karen,
    I have been and will continue to pray for your speedy recovery!
    God bless you.
    Hugs ,Pat


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