
Saturday, October 3, 2009

While I've been unable to work (longarm quilting)
I'm getting tons of binding done.
I thought I'd share a few of my favorite tools.

This little gadget ($5.00) makes mitering corners a breeze.

Glenna from Quilt 'n Stuff

also provides a "how to" video on her site.

Sometimes it's just easier seeing it done!

I'm sure everyone has seen & used these binding clips.

So much safer than straight pins.

Weren't these originally used for hair curls?

Isn't this hat adorable!

From Linda's Rosebud Hats

Linda has 22 beautiful Rosebud hats available in

her Esty shop right now. Check it out!

I love the handmade fabric rose

and the cording around the turn up brim!!

Of course, I think the model, my youngest granddaughter,

is just the cutest!

This recipe is from Robin Sue's blog Big Red Kitchen
She made it for her pumpkin cake.
I thought hmmmmmmm......
would be delicious on my pumpkin bread.
Warm out of the oven.
And believe me it was!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you are back to some of your quilting fun ! Your granddaughter looks adorable in that cute hat....A beachy hug from Bea


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