
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cupcake Love Apron

Let's start with the tasty stuff first.
Doesn't this look just delicious?
It is from The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen.

My friend Kathie came over to sew and I made this for lunch.
Kathie's made it several times and knew the perfect topping.
Nope, not maple syrup or powdered sugar but
vanilla ice cream!
Oh my goodness, with a cup of coffee it was heaven.
Mine did not turn out as beautiful as the photo above,
which was taken from the book.

It's CUPCAKES with Choc trim
for the Apron Give Away this week.

Just leave a comment and I'll draw a (your) name

next Wednesday.
If you haven't a blog, don't forget to leave your email addy
so I can contact you.

I finally finished all the embroidery work for the
"Walking In A Winter Wonderland" quilt.
I'm not sure how I want to piece it together.

We went to Tomah over the weekend to see our grandson play
in a basketball
It's hard to believe my oldest son is "pushing 40".
How can that be when I'm only 39??

And look how cute my granddaughters are! Here are my 2 youngest grandsons.
Trust me, that didn't last for long.

I have a few tests at the hospital in the morning.
Just routine. But I still hate to go.
If I never see another Dr again
I wouldn't miss it.

I'm quilting a little each day.

And sewing with a friend one day a week.
Wonder how long it will take me to find my "old self" again?

Stay warm.
It's suppose to get down to 20 below this weekend.
Yep, below.


  1. Hi Karen! I followed you over from Aunt Ruthie's Sugarpie forum. I love all her stuff. She's such an inspiration & kind spirit.

    Your grandkids are adorable & love the blue embroidery! Please enter me in your darling apron giveaway. It's sooo cute!

  2. Hi, Karen. That recipe sure sounds good, especially with the vanilla ice cream (my favorite)! It's been raining all day here in Las Vegas. Yep, raining! In fact, we've had quite a bit of rain this month. Glad to hear you're sewing again. Keep getting stronger!

  3. I just love the apron this week and the recipe looks just yummy.
    I hope I win!

  4. Hey Karen,

    I'll try this again... maybe I will win the apron, and then learn to cook!

  5. Karen - love your blog - I am following it daily and share it with a friend! You are such an inspiration!! I am going to try the recipe this weekend. I'd love to wear the apron!

  6. Just the way I like cupcake calories on me not on my thighs.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  7. Hi Karen ~

    The theme for our church's Women's Retreat this year is aprons and, count me in for the giveaway. It will come in handy. I already bought two of them and love them ~ by the way, thanks for sending them AGAIN. SORRY....and in all the Christmas hub-bub, I forget to let you know I even received them. They're adorable and you are a sweetie.

    Your grandchildren are precious!!!! Enjoy every moment.

    Glad you're getting better. (Understand about the hospital/doctor thing. Me too. I'm just soooooo thankful, however, that God gave us the doctors, medicine and technology to help us get better.)

    Take care, dear one.



  8. Oh please count me in! Those cupcakes are so cute! Not quite as cute as those grandkids of yours, but a close second. ;)

    <3 Lizzy from sugar pie farmhouse

  9. That is one scrumptious apron you're giving away!

    I'm Miss A from Aunt Ruthie's site! Please stop by and visit any time! I need to do a give-away myself!

    ~Miss A

  10. Hi Karen,

    Yippie, I didn't miss it this time.
    I'm making valentine cookies with the children and would love to be wearing that apron for the occasion!! Giggle...
    I'm crossing my fingers.
    I love the scrapbooking pages you do with your grandchildren~too cute!

  11. Hi Karen,
    I came over from SPFH. I love your winter wonderland embroidery. Just beautiful! So is this weeks apron,adorable!
    Hope you are keeping warm.

  12. Oh that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I got to try that recipe!

  13. Hello Karen...what a beautiful blog you have! Your grandbabies are glorious and my old son just turned 40!!!! I'm with can that be when I am such a 'spring chicken' myself!! lol
    Oh girl you can sew!!! I am in awe of anyone that can sew and create beautiful things with needle and cloth and especially if it is APRONS OR QUILTS!!!! Ohhhhh glory I love Maw Smith wore an apron every day..I even have one of her old ones and one of her quilts...they are treasures to me...thank you so much for coming by and for such a kind gesture of an apron...I will email you..oh this is so exciting!!! lol Have a great Sunday afternoon friend..

  14. LOVE the apron. I am on Sugarpie's forum too. Dutchy is the name there lol.

    Hugs from Marian, aka dutchy

  15. Hi Karen...your recipe looks yummy...
    and what a beautiful family you the apron and your quilts
    are so beautiful...please enter me in
    your giveaway...thanks and have a
    wonderful day...
    Sweet Blessings...

  16. I'm following you! I would love to win the apron, thank you for the opportunity.

  17. What a "sweet" little apron! I'm a confirmed choc-o-holic - so please enter me in your drawing, too!

  18. Hello Karen,

    I found you at Sugar Pie Farmhouse. Your blog is lovely! Please enter me in your generous giveaway. The apron is so adorable! I can;'t wait to see what you do with your winter wonderland stitchery. Oh and the dessert looks wonderful!

    Thank you and have a blessed evening!

  19. I love that cupcake apron! I think I may be making that Apple Puff tonight, it sounds yummy and i've got everything I need!

  20. I would love to win the apron since I have just recently started cooking more. I too found u on the Sugar Pie Forum. Thanx. hannah


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