
Thursday, March 25, 2010

All Gone.....

Pillowcase fever
Chocolate cake and
all gone.

Here's my finished crochet edging.
I can't believe how nice it turned out.
Considering I haven't crocheted in
20 years!
I'm not happy with the green color.
To sagey. Wanted more of a lime green.
Oh, that's right, you thought I was going to use
the sugar & cream variegated yarn.
No way. It was way to clunky.
This JP Coats was the perfect weight.
Not a lot of color choices in town
but great selection on the web.

This is the quilt I'm working on (2 weeks now).
It was due last April.
My customers have been so understanding.
Waiting for me to get back on my feet.
Slow but sure.....

I saved the last piece of cake for you.
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
The best combination!
It must have been good.
My SIL got up in the middle of the night to "sneak" a piece.

Look at this cute chalkboard I found for my front porch.
My DDIL took me to Kirkland Home.
What a great store!
This beauty was only $8.99.
Now I'm not sure which I like better.
Home Goods or Kirkland Home???

We had such fun, catching up with all the family news.
On Thursday night we grilled out.
Beautiful weather, no wind, low 60's.

Friday, nice, a little cooler.
Saturday. Snow.
I'm not kidding. SNOW.

We had so much fun playing Uno.
That Anna is a fierce player.
We ganged up on Uncle Mikey.

Mikey and his baby sister.
We hope they come back real soon!

Is it spring yet in your neck of the woods?


  1. I love the crocheted pillow case edging - very nice! Oh, and I love the quilt, and the cake - heck, I love all of it! Glad you had fun with your visitors!

  2. I can see why your customers are willing to wait for your work; that quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!! Your pillowcase looks great, too. I'm going to try some of those pillowcases soon; have a couple things to finish first. Thanks for the cake recipe. I'm sure I'll enjoy. We've had the same kind of weather I think but I'm hoping spring is here at last! Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. I just left a comment and it vanished! Swallowed up by the Cyberspace Monster, I guess! Anyway, I just wanted to say I love all of it!

  4. Karen
    Your pillowcases and the crochet look great. I didn't try them as like you, I have picked up a crochet needle in that many years. Glad you are feeling better.


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