
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Over

Summer is officially over.
Sad to see it go.
But these mild days and cool nights can't be beat.
Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend.
Don't forget to put your white gloves and shoes away. LOL

I was so busy last month I didn't get the
August redwork blocks stitched.
So here are August and September's .
I love the snowman in the wagon!

Carolyn, they are on the way.
I can't wait to see your quilt.
Here are a few pieced "connector" blocks.
I still need to add 2 more rounds on these to make them 9 1/2"
Can't decide if I should add a 3rd color.

Anne, from Bunny Hill, has a Flickr Group, check it out.

Plus, if you sign up for her newsletter she has a
FREE snowman pattern "The Twins" to give you.
I've gotta stitch that out next. Cute-Cute-Cute.

While I haven't much time to read, I couldn't put this book down.
I loved it!

Set in Mississippi, in the early 1960's

the characters tell a sad, but powerful story.

That even in this troubled time woman

came together despite their differences

and that ordinary women can be heroic.
Let me know if you read it and what you thought.

Just off the machine.

A NY Beauty set in a snails trail pattern.

Beautiful workmanship. Her points were perfect!

His first tractor ride!

Our birthday boy came to visit us on Friday & Sat.

We took him to his first movie in the theater.

Toy Story 3. He loved it!

Here he is celebrating his birthday.
Waiting for his Toy Story birthday cake.
The whole team (family) went to the Brewer baseball game.
Except Grandma, who stayed with Piper.
She's two months old already.
My time flies.

Before you know it,
Thanksgiving will be here.
Gotta get my recipes in order.

Hope your enjoying your Fall weather.


  1. Hi Karen... I just love the quilt you did it is stunning...Yes, the book "Help was a good read... I read it last month... :)

  2. Lucky me! Oh Karen, I love the connector blocks that you made just perfect and will bring it all together.

    Bless your heart--I am so excited to be receiving the new blocks---now I will really have to push the pedal to the sewing machine!!
    :) Carolyn


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