
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We Have A Winner Here!

Did you think I forgot about you?
I drew the winners Sunday morning
and had good intentions of posting.
life got in the way!

On Saturday we went to see my granddaughter play
in her first-ever basketball tournament.
She was so nervous!
But after "settling down" the team did GREAT!
No girls sports back in the
covered wagon days when I went to school.
I'm so proud of her!

And now what you really stopped in to see.

The winner is number 2...
Kris from Simplify!

And number 13!
John'aLee from The Scrappy Appleyard.
Ladies, send me an em
ail with your address
and I'll get your pin cushion in the mail.

We had a huge snowfall overnight.
It sure looks like Christmas!
Ready or not here it comes!


  1. Oh I'm tickled pink! My first time to win anything in blog land! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  2. Karen...just going through the pictures of your quilts...I didn't realize it was you who quilted Nancy's Meet Me In Paris quilt. You did a fantastic job. I slept under that quilt in her guestroom just a few weeks ago when I spent the night with her before flying out of Vegas early in the morning...a week after my emergency gallbladder surgery.
    She loves your work! I didn't realize you moved either!
    Have a blessed Christmas and keep in touch. I put you on my blog roll and signed up as a follower!

  3. Hi Karen...Yeah!!! I won? Really? I am so excited!!!! Will e you my address right away. Have a blessed Christmas!!!!!!


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