
Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Monday

For lack of a better title.
Life is busy but not exciting.
Which is fine with me.
Life without drama is good.

I did receive a package in the mail!
Christmas in July.

The cutest  red & white polka dot chicken
 sugar and creamer set.
Thank you Peggy Sue!

I've been busy quilting customer quilts.
Sue loves-loves-loves her embroidery machine.
She always leaves wide open spaces for my quilting.
The wavy edge really adds something extra.

And Lin's "Contemporary Blues".
It's hard to see but I quilted circles.
Hoping to soften all the straight lines in the design.
Adding to the 3D effect.

This week is much of the same.
Trying to stay cool.
Working Quilting.
And anxiously awaiting for August 12th when

this movie opens.
I enjoyed the book so much!
Have you seen the previews on TV?
Sissy Spaceck looks like the perfect choice for a
movie set in 1960's Southern Mississippi. 
Oh, the hairstyles and  fashions, I can't wait.

My all time favorites:
#1 "Fried Green Tomaotoes"
#2 Steel Magnolias
#3 Terms of Endearment
What's your favorite "chick flick"?


  1. I cannot wait for this movie too. I loved the book! And my favs are the same as yours!!!

  2. I cant wait for the movie either! Have you seen "Who Will Love My Children" With Ann Margaret? If not make sure you have tissues when you do...

  3. I can not wait!!!!! I told Laura to hurry and read the book ( I gave it to her months ago....) The movie is cast perfectly!!!! Love you Karen- wish you were here I am making a party of this movie!!!

    You know - we like the same movies but I would have to add "Gone With The Wind", "Pretty Woman" and love,love "Eve's Bayou"!!!!

  4. Looks like a good movie.
    Step Mom,Little Women Ok so I could go on.


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