Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lovin this sunshine!

And the unseasonably warm weather.
The grandkids came for the weekend and played outside till dark.
They love being able to run and visit the neighbor kids.

They're growing up so fast.

 The grandkids enjoy helping out in the kitchen.
We baked Chocolate Chip Cookie bars.
Found the recipe on Pinterest.
Where else?
Click on the photo for the recipe.
SOOO much quicker than cookies and just as good.

(Photo from Pinterest) 

Paid a visit to the Apple Butter House.
The barn is decorated for Spring.
So many vintage-prim beautiful things!

I found this vintage quilt pocket for my front door.
It's soooo me.
If you're in the area be sure to stop in and say hello to Caroline.
She's a real sweetheart.

I'm still working on yo-yos .
Had the longarm repair man "Ray"
(my new best friend) here 2 days last week.
Hoping "Violet" is fixed and ready to rumble tomorrow.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Enjoy the day!

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