
Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's that time of the year...

for garage, rummage, and yard sales.
Whatever you call them, bargains await!
Like this cute planter I found for $2.00
Perfect on our front porch.

I used silk flowers, from my stash, for the arrangement.
I've never been able to hang anything on the porch before.
Hubby didn't want me to use nails in the vinyl siding.
But look what I found:

Caroline, at Apple Butter House, sells them.
Check out her link on my sidebar.

Yep, I found another quilt top.
LOOK at this colorful FAN beauty.
I do believe it may have been a precut kit.
Notice all of the fan blades have exactly the same fabric placement?
The seller had no history on the top.
It was purchased as part of a storage unit sale.
The top will be a challenge to quilt.
 The seller machine washed and dried the top hoping to improve it's condition.
Not good.
I ironed out the wrinkles as best I could, but it's still "puffy".
I'll be sure to post a picture after it's quilted.

Have you seen this funny cell phone accessory yet?

Works like a charm!
I can hear so much better on my phone.
Isn't it a hoot? My grandkids will love it.
Found mine at Farm & Fleet ($9.99).

OOOh, I baked a delicious cake last week.
Found the recipe on Pinterest.
The combination of fresh strawberries and Greek yogurt.
The cake is so moist it lasts for days.
Well, maybe at your house.
(Click on the photo)

Have customer quilt photos to share but I'll wait til next time.
I know you want to run right into your kitchen and bake that cake!


  1. Wowie, I love that quilt top!

  2. Lovin' the quilt top & the cake!

  3. I would not have known those flowers weren't real had you not revealed that little secret.
    The hook is fantastic. I have not seen those before.
    I have not seen the cell phone accessory either, but that is SO FUNNY! Glad its working out for you. I think I could use one of those.
    Wow the cake looks delish.

    Its been a while since I've visited. So fun to stop by.

  4. You have a knack for finding the best stuff. Bet it helps to live in WI!

  5. Oh, my, I do love that cell phone accessory! We don't have a Farm & Fleet, but maybe the new Tractor Supply Company has one!


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