
Monday, July 2, 2012

To hot to handle

The weather that is.
Around 96* all weekend.
Spent time on the porch, drinking pink lemonade

and reading a new magazine.
Have you seen this?
A girl Junkers' dream come true.

Happened upon it at the grocery store.
A bit pricey.....$9.99
 but worth every penny.
No advertisments and filled with ideas.

Plus tips from Mike and Frank THE American Pickers,
My favorite two guys.
OOOOh how I'd love to "pick" with them!

No big plans for the 4th of July.
How about you?
  Going to work on a few projects I hope to post soon.
Binding one of my rescued beauties, finishing up a table topper,
stitching blocks of yo-yos together.
A quilters' work is never done.

Stay safe this holiday week and

1 comment:

  1. I will have to look for that magazine! I love American Pickers!!!!


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