
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stable is good

"Stable is good"

That's what the neurologist said when I went back for a three month check up last Thursday.HE was very pleased with my progress. I've made some lifestyle changes 1)follow  a low fat/no sugar diet (.lost 15 pounds)2)tryto walk  everyday. 3)Takemy meds faithfully. I also finished 12 weeks of P.T on Monday. On On  my first weekwhen tested  I scored a 28 out of56. on my last day, I scored a 48 My balance is much betterand I have more  confidence walking. I still have some visionproblems that I hope will improve over time. I  thank the Good Lord every rnorning  for all that ICAN DOGratefulfor   being able to walk and talkand waking up!

This last weekend we camped with family at Jelly STONE in warrens  WI
The weather was perfect The grandkids had so much fun at the waterpark. no waterslides for Grandma ...yhanks anyway LOL

They are growing up so fast!!! No more babies(boo-whooo

I'll stop rambling now. Stay safe.More soon


  1. Good for you, Karen! Accentuate the positive - Eliminate the negative - Latch on the the affirmative! And keep on quilting on!

  2. good to hear you are stable!! And doing well! :-)

  3. Stable is VERY good! Well done on all your efforts!

  4. So good to know you are coming along and staying so strong. Fight like a girl!


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