I’m calling this my “journey”quilt. Believe me, it was a uphill walk . But I’made it to the finish line!
Finished is better than Perfect, isn’t that what they say?
Let me start by saying that I could not have fmade this if it weren”t for my quilting group. They have proven their name he
Friendship Stars. Each one is a star in my Friendship bouquet.
This a wedding gift that I started before my strokeI found this pattern in the January-Feb issue of QUILTY.It is calle
dRAGOON designed by Gudrun Eria
I rather like the name Pixie Sticks myself. I wanted a modern/attern. And the bride loves grey & yellow!
. I completed the 15 blocks before my stroke. But getting them together and the borders on was a struggle for me. e before my stroke, I could read instructions and “envision “it in my head but now, it all looks greek to me. Does that make sense?
I quilted it myself. That took
4 months of short spurts on the longarm. I haven’t the energy like before.
Or could it be, I’m getting older? Yep, 65 next month. 65!
And to be honest, I’m still hand stitching he binding. It’s keeping me warm in this deep freeze
Mike and I have decided this will be our LAST winter in WI. We are heading home/West as soon as a transfer comes up.
I’m praying for Las Vegas. My Dad is there and you don’t have to shovel heat/sunshine!
Here is what I'm finishing next
Birdie Stitches? A free BOM from Little Miss Shabby? Sew darn cute! I have all 12 blocks stitched, now just to get it together. Click on
the link tthe patterns y are still available. My favorite, the word block for June. And see the
perfect birdhouse fabric for borders and backing?