Wow, have you missed me??
I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I’ve checked in.
Lordy, the time just flew by.
First off, my Aunt Polly is the same.
She spent a few days in the hospital,
giving Hubby & I a short, but much needed, break.
Thank You for your prayers.
I had a birthday in February.
Hard to believe I turned sixty. Yep, the big 6-0.
I can remember celebrating my Mom’s sixtieth birthday
and thinking how OLD that was.
Not now!
I’m sticking with Oprah…….
60 is the new 40 or was that 50?
Then, not long after that, my computer crashed.
We had to replace our old Windows XP
with a new computer running Vista.
What a pain!
Are you aware that you can’t buy a new computer with Windows XP?
Your forced to use Vista.
Of course, most of my outdated software didn’t
want to play nice with Vista.
A big head ache, to say the least.
(Listen to me whin like an old lady)
And then to recover your backed up data…….
my taxes will be a little late Mr. President.
But on the bright side of February
I was able to finish the antique quilt I bought in Iowa last spring.
A very scrappy Steps to the Altar.
(Irish chain in my book).
The variety of fabrics is amazing.
A true 1930’s, hand stitched, quilt.
It measured 76” x 78”, that’s 5,928 one inch squares.
Almost 6,000 hand stitched pieces!
I wonder how many hours it took Mame to piece this?
After hand stitching the binding down,
I soaked it in Oxy Clean for a few hours.
Man, you should have seen the water!
Then I washed it again with Oxy Clean and detergent
and it came out so nice.
I used muslin for the backing and binding.
After drying, on low, in the dryer, it came out all wrinkled and soft.
Just like it had been around for years.

Before Quilting
Notice the cheddar orange and green?
Each square measures 1 inch!
Wouldn't "Mame O'Neal" be thrilled to see her quilt finally finished
70 something years later.
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! In yesterdays mail, came the latest issue of Country Woman magazine.As I was soaking up all the pretty pictures and great recipesI noticed a familiar looking quilt.It took me a minute to realized that it was MY quilt!Yep, my 1930’s Reproduction Butterfly Quilt is on page 46!!!!Not a big picture mind you, but it’s there.In print. With my name and city.I’m disappointed you can’t see the quilting in the white areas.It’s really what makes the quilt special.Oh well… 
I promise not to stay away so long. I miss all my blogging buds.
Will Spring and the grilling season ever get here??