Dear Friends, I'm not sure how to start.
It's such a BIG step backwards for me.
I've been crying for the last 3 days trying to
come to terms with what has happened.
On Wednesday, I had my last Dr appointment.
I expected him to say "Go forth....and resume your life".
But it didn't happen.
I had a lump develop under my neck
on top of my chest after surgery.
The Dr assured me it was scar tissue and would shrink as time went on.
Instead it seemed to get larger and protrude even more.
So on Wed. he decided to remove the "scar tissue".
It was suppose to take 20 minutes using a "local" to numb the area.
As he started to remove the lump he said
"Your not going to believe what I found"
I immediately thought tumor.
But no, it was a sponge.
Yes, you read that right.
A Large Black Sponge.
And my body had grown around it.
It also attached itself to one of the wires that was used to wire my
breastbone together during my open heart surgery.
He needed to use wire cutters to get it out!
Talk about scary.
What was suppose to take 20 minutes
turned into a 2 hour nightmare.
I have a large hole in my chest again.
I have to wear a wound vac again.
I am so frustrated with the medical care I received.
It has been one big mistake after another.
The Dr and nurses are each blaming the other.
I can't believe this could happen.
I was beginning to have hope.
Hope of resuming a normal life.
Full of work, family, and grandbaby kisses.
Can you feel the tears as I am typing?
I wonder, will I ever be the same again?
the "Sew Whats" made for me.
It couldn't have come at a better time.
It is so beautiful!
I wish you could see it in person.
My favorite.
I want to thank each "Sew What" who made a block for me.
To Sandy H. and Peggy for choosing the beautiful
floral and plaid fabric.
And for piecing it together.
To Mary V. for quilting it.
I know how busy your schedule is.
To Sandy V. who bound the quilt.
Sandy, not to worry, you did a fantastic job.
Your corners are perfect!