Easter is on it's way.
Which means Spring can't be far behind!
Here's an easy no bake Easter treat.
Bird Nest Cookies.
Which means Spring can't be far behind!
Here's an easy no bake Easter treat.
Bird Nest Cookies.
All depends on how large you make your nest.
Mine seem to get bigger as I go.
Bunny plate from Home Goods.

He is only 4 years older than I am.
More like an older brother than Uncle really.
Check out my cute hairdo.
I'm sure the perm was especially for Easter.
To go with the short bangs.
Man, I needed a hat that year!
Charlie Brown, no trim.
Pink & green bunnies, with trim, of course, so girly-girl.
I love crocheting at night while watching TV.
It's all coming back to me now.
It's for a summer wedding.
The colors look washed out in the photo.
The fabric is Moda's "Gypsy Rose".
I purchased the layer cake for $13.33!
Even with the $5.00 shipping it was a deal.
It was a Quilters Daily Deal a few weeks back.

Quick as a wink.
I just noticed Camille has her blocks turned every which way
and I have mine alternating.
I need to "play" on the design wall a little longer.
Check out Camille's blog Simplify.
I love her red & white polka dot chair!!!
Pasta salad. A summer favorite.
Ohhhh...can't you just smell the chicken on the grill......
Happy Easter Honey Bunnies
stay safe!
stay safe!