The sign reads "Come sit on my porch with me
My drinks are cold and my friendship free"
I wish I could hang my welcome sign under the porch light
but Mike doesn't want me to put a hole in the siding.
See my 3 Iris blooms? I'm shocked they live thru the winter as cold
as it gets here. Have you made any teacup bird feeders yet? So easy.
I use copper piping. I love the patina it gets as it ages.
I found the cute bird feeder at Michael's.
A little heavier than the tea cups so I hope the glue holds up.
And now for the most EXCITING NEWS..........
My DS & DDIL called on Friday to tell us the news.
I bought these 2 little sleepers at Sam's Club today for $2.50 each.
And they're by Carter! Such a bargain. I couldn't pass them up.
My only granddaughter is thrilled to have a girl cousin on the way!
Quilt pictures soon. I'm working on a big one....100" x 115". Lots of feathers. My favorite.